Integrative Health and Mental Health Therapy
Providing holistic care for complex issues
Specializing in chronic health and/or chronic illness
and caregiver support
Areas of focus- Individual Therapy only
What is an integrative approach to treatment?
Integrative medicine includes the full spectrum of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual
and environmental factors that influence your health and mental health.
It is a comprehensive, individualized, whole-person approach to mental health and health counseling.
Integrative medicine includes the full spectrum of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual
and environmental factors that influence your health and mental health.
It is a comprehensive, individualized, whole-person approach to mental health and health counseling.
I have received training in multiple, traditional modalities of therapy over the last 20 years, including CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy). However, I believe that treating the whole person in their environment is the key to optimum health and healing. We are complex beings and require multi-modal and customized approaches to build lasting change. Below are some of the areas that may be addressed while working with me. There is no real delineation between categories- all overlap and affect each other. All goals are personalized based on the individual's goals and needs.
- Biology- This may include recent lab work and/or testing (in collaboration with your doctor), learning how hormones impact mood and other issues, methylation, genetics, etc...
- Overall physical health- may include addressing chronic health issues, chronic pain issues, health concerns, or optimizing wellness.
- Nutrition education- Our bodies cannot function optimally if we do not give it what needs to meet its demands. "Just as food causes chronic disease, it can be the most powerful cure" Hippocrates
- Sleep hygiene- developing healthy sleep is one of the main keys to good health.
- Movement and/or exercise. This is highly individualized based on client's ability and needs.
- History of trauma or chronic stress and its impact on the autonomic nervous system (fight, flight, freeze response vs. physical and emotional safety) and other body systems (Treatment includes: polyvagal informed therapy, trauma work, stress management). I have found that we can do everything (food, medicine/supplements, sleep, exercise...) to be well, but if we do not address underlying causes of nervous system dysregulation, our body is unable to fully heal.
- Hydration- 60% of our body is water. Dehydration can cause a myriad of physical and MH symptoms.
- Body awareness, breath and somatic work- Increasing connection and integration between the mind and the body, incorporating mind-body work to increase resilience to stress.
- Developing and practicing self-care activities. Burnout and exhaustion are often symptoms of self care problems. Self care does not require money or a lot of time. Let's learn how to think about self care differently. “Solitude is where I place my chaos to rest and awaken my inner peace.” Nikki Rowe
- Creating a healthy environment- addressing physical and emotional safety. Identifying and addressing possible exposure to environmental toxins/allergies that can impact optimal functioning/health.
- Sexual health & sexuality
mental and emotional well-being
- Addressing "mental health symptoms"- Traditional diagnoses of major depression or generalized anxiety can have many root/underlying causes. An integrative or functional approach seeks to understand and address the cause, not just ameliorate the symptoms. There are times when medication is needed to treat symptoms interfering with basic functioning. Medication can also allow for an integrative approach to address the underlying issues necessitating medication temporarily. For many, nutritional changes, supplements, and other interventions are sufficient to reduce symptoms.
- Developing resilience to stress- Exploring how stress has impacted ability to cope and function. Chronic stress has a detrimental effect on all body systems. Eventually systems can break down causing chronic health/chronic illness problems.
- Developing resources and skills to improve healthy coping.
- Decreasing unhealthy coping strategies- including: excessive media, alcohol or drug use, food, shopping and other numbing behaviors
- Exploring and re-writing narratives- stories we tell ourselves to make sense of ourselves, others, the world
- Developing a healthy mind-set & attitude toward adversity and challenges. Leaning into your capabilities and strengths
- Mindfulness- learning to fully present in the moment, rather than past or present. Increasing awareness and intention with our thoughts, words, actions and body. Increased body and emotional awareness, decreases pain in clients with fibromyalgia symptoms (multiple studies). Evidence shows that regular mindfulness practice also decreases anxiety and depressive symptoms. “When we make the shift to seeing ourselves as transitionary events - as verbs rather than as nouns - we can step back and allow the flow to continue. Our efforts shift from controlling the circumstances of our lives to learning how to meet each brief moment fully and wholeheartedly.” Christopher Germer- The Mindful Path of Self Compassion
- Developing compassion toward self and others- “Trust yourself. Taking in the good helps you see the good in yourself, and in the world and other people.” Rick Hanson
- Addressing T/trauma histories. Trauma is not just the event, but also the psychological, physical and emotional impact it had on someone. Big T trauma is typically defined (by DSM for PTSD) as experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event. Small t traumas are typically defined by ongoing distressing experiences that are more relational in nature- emotional or psychological abuse and/or neglect, bullying, discrimination, disability, racism (to name a few) that impact how one experiences the world as unsafe and shapes one view of themselves. “Trauma causes us to disconnect from ourselves, our sense of value, and from the present moment.” Dr Gabor Maté. Trauma can change the brain and body in a way that impacts how we perceive, experience and respond to the world.
- Education, understanding, healthy expression of, and coping with emotions- “Painful feelings are, by their very nature, temporary. They will weaken over time as long as we don’t prolong or amplify them through resistance or avoidance. The only way to eventually free ourselves from debilitating pain, therefore, is to be with it as it is. The only way out is through.”
- Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself. - Engaging in learning and growth- learning keeps our brains health and preserves mental functioning
social and relational
- Explore and gain insight into growing up experiences, attachments, and impact on current relationships and relational patterns
- Develop healthy boundaries- "Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others". Brene Brown
- Healing past traumas to minimize impact on current relationships
- Exploring how one experiences the world, society, workplace, and relationships. Our experiences are affected by gender, sexuality, race, ability, values and beliefs, and growing up experiences to name a few.
- Reducing comparative suffering- "Comparative suffering is dangerous. Empathy is not finite. When we practice empathy, we create more empathy... [No one benefits] more if you reserve your empathy only for [one person] and ignore your feelings or withholding empathy from someone lower the "empathy scales" Brene Brown, adapted.
- Develop and implement healthy communication skills
- Develop the ability to: ask and receive help, say no to unwanted requests
- Place healthy limits and expectations on social media and other negative inputs.
“Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives.” Brene Brown- The Gifts of Imperfection
In addition:
In addition:
- Identifying and practicing our values and beliefs
- Exploring and reframing our beliefs about self, others, and the world
- Finding and connecting to meaning and purpose
- Practicing gratitude. Brene Brown's research indicates that people with a gratitude practice cultivate joy. Gratitude is the path the joy.
- Expressions of creativity
healthy Lifestyle issues
- Financial health
- Developing healthy routine/structure/habits
- Learning to relax, play, have fun
- Time management
Should you have significant health or mental health symptoms,
I will need a release of information to collaborate with your medical provider.
I will need a release of information to collaborate with your medical provider.
Measure-based Treatment
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” —Pablo Picasso
I use Blueprint-Health to provide measurement-based healthcare. MBH allows us to measure symptoms through standardized, evidence based assessments and symptom tracking on a regular basis. Each client has individualized measures to track the specific issues they have identified for treatment. Treatment needs to be fluid and responsive to the client's needs. I want to make sure treatment is effective and make necessary changes when appropriate.
Research is indicating that clients who engage in MBH stay in treatment longer (less drop out) and have twice the improvement. Blueprint Health also provides assessments, symptom trackers and worksheets to track treatment issues and progress. This allows the client to engage in therapy activities between sessions (thereby improving the effectiveness).
Blueprint Health is easy to use- it has a downloadable app (recommended). Assessments can be accessed through app, website, SMS.
Many insurance companies are moving toward measurement based healthcare. Some insurance companies are reimbursing for this service.
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” —Pablo Picasso
I use Blueprint-Health to provide measurement-based healthcare. MBH allows us to measure symptoms through standardized, evidence based assessments and symptom tracking on a regular basis. Each client has individualized measures to track the specific issues they have identified for treatment. Treatment needs to be fluid and responsive to the client's needs. I want to make sure treatment is effective and make necessary changes when appropriate.
Research is indicating that clients who engage in MBH stay in treatment longer (less drop out) and have twice the improvement. Blueprint Health also provides assessments, symptom trackers and worksheets to track treatment issues and progress. This allows the client to engage in therapy activities between sessions (thereby improving the effectiveness).
Blueprint Health is easy to use- it has a downloadable app (recommended). Assessments can be accessed through app, website, SMS.
Many insurance companies are moving toward measurement based healthcare. Some insurance companies are reimbursing for this service.
Additional Benefits of working with Debra:
Alpha Stim Therapy
An FDA approved adjunctive therapy to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia, and pain. This treatment can be used in session. Mild improvements can be seen after one session. Results are cumulative with the most significant improvement with daily use. About 80% of participants see a decrease in symptoms with consistent use.
Creating a safe and comfortable environment. In order for someone to engage in therapy, it is important to feel safe and comfortable in the environment one is receiving therapy. If you are doing tele-health, please make sure that you create a safe and calming environment for yourself (remove distractions, drink water or herbal tea, light a candle).
In our office, we provide a selection of drinks, provide comfortable furniture with ottomans, blankets (weighted and unweighted), heating pads, and pillows. We have dimmable lighting (no fluorescents), and soothing music. Of course for many, Juno's presence provides safety and comfort too.
Our offices are on the first floor and handicap accessible (wide doors, handicap accessible bathroom). Unfortunately, despite requesting it, we do not have a handicap parking space in front of our building, but the buildings on either side do. There is one small step from the parking lot to our office.
Please let us know if there is something we can do to add to your comfort.
Alpha Stim Therapy
An FDA approved adjunctive therapy to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia, and pain. This treatment can be used in session. Mild improvements can be seen after one session. Results are cumulative with the most significant improvement with daily use. About 80% of participants see a decrease in symptoms with consistent use.
Creating a safe and comfortable environment. In order for someone to engage in therapy, it is important to feel safe and comfortable in the environment one is receiving therapy. If you are doing tele-health, please make sure that you create a safe and calming environment for yourself (remove distractions, drink water or herbal tea, light a candle).
In our office, we provide a selection of drinks, provide comfortable furniture with ottomans, blankets (weighted and unweighted), heating pads, and pillows. We have dimmable lighting (no fluorescents), and soothing music. Of course for many, Juno's presence provides safety and comfort too.
Our offices are on the first floor and handicap accessible (wide doors, handicap accessible bathroom). Unfortunately, despite requesting it, we do not have a handicap parking space in front of our building, but the buildings on either side do. There is one small step from the parking lot to our office.
Please let us know if there is something we can do to add to your comfort.
Theoretical Orientations:
Polyvagal-informed interventions, narrative therapy, cognitive behavioral approaches, dialectical behavioral approaches, mindfulness based therapy, somatic approaches, internal family systems-informed therapy, motivational enhancement therapy, integrative mental health and health nutritional education.
Debra Eng, LCSW, PLLC is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all clients
regardless of race, religion, gender or ability.
Polyvagal-informed interventions, narrative therapy, cognitive behavioral approaches, dialectical behavioral approaches, mindfulness based therapy, somatic approaches, internal family systems-informed therapy, motivational enhancement therapy, integrative mental health and health nutritional education.
Debra Eng, LCSW, PLLC is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all clients
regardless of race, religion, gender or ability.
Debra Eng, LCSW, PLLC
8382-104 Six Forks Road
Raleigh, NC 27615
Encrypted form under contact me page
©2025 Debra Eng, LCSW, PLLC
Debra Eng, LCSW, PLLC
8382-104 Six Forks Road
Raleigh, NC 27615
Encrypted form under contact me page
©2025 Debra Eng, LCSW, PLLC